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Transcription of data

Data such as interviews is originally recorded as audio but is transformed into text through transcription. Different research approaches may have more specific guidelines how this should be done, and specific notations to use in transcription. For example

  • should one measure pauses, overlaps on of speech turns or specific articulations of words (known as narrow transcription)
  • is the aim to get an overview of the answer, thus it may be acceptable to transform speech to standard language

Software for transcription

  • is an online service making it easy to transcribe materials and has keyboard shortcuts for commands such as pausing/playing audio, skipping backwards or forwards. These make it easier to work on the material.
  • Microsoft Office does decent job automatically transcribing audio material into text in several languages, such as Finnish and English.
  • Otter is an online service for making meeting notes, but it does also work with interviews. It only works in English language.